Part 1

Список литературы

  1. Attix F.H. Introduction to radiologicfl physics and radiation dosimetry // New York. 1986. John Wiley & Sons.

  2. Научно-производственное предприятие "Доза". Оборудование радиационного контроля. Каталог 2009 // www.dosa.ru.

  3. Madsen M.T. Scintillation detectors and scintillation detector counting systems // in: Nuclear medicine. 2nd edition. V. 1 / Ed. by R.E. Henkin, D. Bova, G.L. Dillehay et al. 2006. Mosby, Inc. P. 78 – 89.

  4. Barber H.B., Woolferenden J. Progress in semicondacter detectors for use in nuclear medicine // In [3]. P. 137 – 153.

  5. Knoll G.F. Radiation detection and measurement //3 ed. New York. 2000. John Willey & Sons.

  6. Ramo S. Currents induced by electron motion // Proc. IRE.27:1939. P. 584 – 585.

  7. GUM. Guide to expression of uncertaintly in measurement // International Organization for Standartization. Geneva. 1995.

  8. Руководство по выражению неопределенности измерения // С._Пб. : ГП "Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт метрологии им. Д.И. Менделеева". 1999.

  9. Gopal B. Saha. Physics and radiobiology of nuclear medicine. Third edition // Springer. (Cleveland, USA). 2010.

  10. M.T. Madsen. Nuclear counting statistics // In: Nuclear Medicine. 2nd edition. V. 1 / Ed. by R.E. Henkin, D. Bova, G.L. Dillehay et al. 2006. Mosby, Inc. P. 127 – 136.

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