Part 1

Список литературы

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  6. Rutter B.W., Algazi V.R., Huesman R.H. Computationally efficient nonlinear edge preserving smoothing of n-D medical images via scale-space fingerprint analysis // IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. V. 15. 2000. P. 282 – 286.

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  9. Fast count-dependent digital filtering of nuclear medicine images: concise communication / D.T. King, P.W. Doherty, R.B. Schwinger et al // J. Nucl. Med. V. 24. 1983. P. 1039 – 1045.

  10. Pinney B.C., Glick S.J., King M.A. Relative importance of the error source in Wiener restoration of scintigrams // IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. V. 9. 1990. P. 60 – 70.

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