Part 1

Список литературы

  1. Gunter D.L., revised by Halama J.R. Gamma camera collimator characteristics and design // In: Nuclear Medicine. 2nd edition. V. 1 / Ed. by R.E. Henkin, D. Bova, G.L. Dillehay et al. 2006. Mosby, Inc. P. 107 – 126.

  2. Tsui B.M.W., Guilberg G.T. The geometric transfer function for cone and beam collimators // Phys. Med. Biol. 1990. V. 35. P. 81 – 93.

  3. Characterization of fan-beam collimators / D. Pareto, J. Pavia, C. Falcon et al. // Eur. Nucl. Med. 2001. V. 28. P. !44 – 149.

  4. Gunter D.L. Collimator chararteristics and design // In: Nuclear Medicine. Ed. by R.E. Henkin. 1996. St. Louis. Mosby.

  5. Mather R.L. Gamma-ray collimator penetration and scattering effects // J. Appl. Phys. 1957. V. 28. P. 1200 – 1207.

  6. Evaluationof a small cadmium zinc telluride detector for scintimammography / M. Byron, M.K. Konnor, I. Belvis et al. // J. Nucl. Med. 2003. V. 44. P. 602 – 609.

  7. Gruber G.J., Moses W.W., Derenzo S.E. Monte Carlo simula-tion of breast tumor imaging properties with compact, discrete gamma camera // IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 1999. V. 46. P. 2119 – 2123.

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